Is it just me, or is 2024 flying by?
With summer right around the corner, I am getting excited to have picnics, go swimming, and re-focus on the goals and intentions I set at the beginning of the year.
I view these seasonal opportunities for reflection as a way to practice slow productivity because we’re intentionally taking time to slow down and review our experiences, perhaps learning something new about ourselves and our desires in the process.
There can be a certain anxiety that crops up as we approach the mid-year mark: Am I making as much progress as I’d hoped? What if what I wanted in January doesn’t align with what I want now? Why do my approaching deadlines still feel impossible to reach?
After pausing for reflection, I focus in on one question, “How can I set myself up for success to reach my goals by the end of the year?”
There are a variety of strategies you might employ:
Reflect on how you’ve been using your personal resources (time, energy, focus, etc.) to identify activities or times of the week when you might benefit from rest and self-care practices
Try out the Must-Do Method as a way to be more strategic about when you schedule the tasks from your to-do list into your week
Try out using the Goldilocks Approach to Productivity to identify an achievable task for your productivity session
One approach you might explore is Success & Accountability Coaching, my 6-month program I designed specifically for overwhelmed academics, entrepreneurs, and writers who want to clear an actionable path toward their dreams WHILE gaining awareness of what works best for them when it comes to productivity, self-care, and rest.
When I summarize my work as a coach, I often say that my clients outsource their executive functioning to me. While this is meant partly in jest, I created Success & Accountability Coaching to help knowledge workers find ways to tackle large, overlapping projects WITHOUT unnecessary overwork.
As one of my long-time clients shared:
[Our coaching sessions] looked like me rattling off the millions of things on my plate, and Kate listening calmly and then beautifully organizing tasks into manageable pieces. She was very insightful, often hearing and drawing attention to my own values and needs even when I wasn’t sure what they were.
Here’s what you can expect from this 1-to-1 coaching package:
After our first 90-minute call, you’ll have a confident path forward and an actionable to-do list we can both use to support your productivity;
At the end of June, you’ll feel a sense of sustainable momentum as we continually check-in and re-prioritize so you can make mindful progress, even when you run into challenges;
By the end of summer, you’ll be able to rely on newly-formed habits for planning and working based on your actual availability and energy levels;
Come November, you’ll feel relief and pride as you reflect on all you’ve achieved in 2024 and prepare to kick off 2025, armed with strategies for ongoing success on your long-term goals even after our time working together ends
Success & Accountability Coaching is known for its ability to help folks get “unstuck” and make meaningful progress on their scholarly, personal, and creative projects without burning out.
A previous client described their experience as:
Coaching with Kate is an incredibly safe, supportive and encouraging space. I started working with Kate to make progress on my dissertation, but she has ended up changing my life in so many positive ways.
Imagine a version of you this Fall who is:
Empowered and prepared to reach your most daring goals;
More self-compassionate and trusting of their abilities, without the weight of perfectionism;
Deeply familiar with what kind of schedule, boundaries, and rhythms work specifically for them;
Able to practice pause when unhelpful patterns, behaviors, and thoughts crop up around productivity
The structure of Success & Accountability brings this vision into reality through 12 supportive coaching calls, weekly email check-ins, access to my goals course and book as bonus productivity resources, and monthly co-working calls in community.
After our initial 90-minute deep dive coaching session, we’ll connect every other week for 75-minute sessions in which I’ll help you continually refine your productivity approach and the short-term to-do lists that will make your long-term plan feel much more doable. Because I’m in contact with you every week, we’ll be able to navigate obstacles together, as well as celebrate your well-deserved wins!
Does this sound like exactly what you need to bring your 2024 Vision Board into reality? I currently have three open spots for clients to begin a 6-month package in June.
Learn more about the program and schedule your complimentary discovery call here.
I’ll be back in your inboxes this Wednesday with a letter about navigating challeneges and changes to your routine.
Take care and talk soon,
Dr. Kate